
The NSW Government will lease part of NSW’s transmission and distribution network to private interests. These privately managed network businesses are referred to as Authorised Network Operators (ANOs) by the Electricity Network Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act 2015 (Authorised Transactions Act).

The NSW Government has prescribed the ANOs as prescribed determining authorities for the purposes of section 111A of the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and the definition of “public authority” under section 4(1) of that Act. That prescription allows an ANO to be a Part 5 Determining Authority for Development for the purposes of an electricity transmission or distribution network. As a determining authority, an ANO can assess and self-determine Activities that are not likely to significantly affect the environment and are conducted by or on behalf of the ANO for the purpose of electricity transmission or distribution.

The Electricity Networks Reporting Manual outlines the reporting requirements for Electricity Network Operators, such as Ausgrid, to provide IPART with sufficient information to exercise its regulatory functions.

The Electricity Networks Audit Guideline provides information to prospective auditees, such as Ausgrid, to assist us in engaging auditors if needed and preparing for audits.

Ausgrid must be aware of and fully comply with all of our licence conditions and legal obligations.

The National Parks Protocol commenced on 1 November 2016 and is accompanied by a Consent that provides legal authority for Ausgrid to undertake certain activities in national park lands.

The allowed activities generally include inspection, maintenance and emergency works. The protocol outlines controls to avoid and mitigate potential environmental harm and details the assessment and notification process required before starting works. More information can be found in the National Parks Protocol factsheet.

National Parks Protocol factsheet

National Parks Protocol (remains current until new consent is issued by NPWS)

National Parks Consent (remains current until new consent is issued by NPWS)