4: Consult

Ausgrid is committed to involving the community in the planning, designing and building of both new and replacement infrastructure. We recognise that genuine consultation can help us to better understand the community views and also minimise future delays and costs.

Under the Electricity Supply Act 1995, 40 days notice is required to council for all works other than routine repairs, maintenance or emergency works. There is then a requirement to give due consideration to all submissions.

Under the SEPP (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021, 21 days notice is required to council, other authorities or residents depending on the nature of the works. There is a requirement to to give due consideration to all submissions.

Although not a legal requirement, Ausgrid may choose to undertake additional community consultation such as information displays, newsletters, or door knocking.

Ausgrid's Consultation Protocol outlines our process for engaging with the community for major projects in accordance with the Planning Code.