The approval process for new projects depends on 1. What you are doing, and 2. Where you are doing it.
Possible planning approval processes:
- The works were previously approved - No assessment is required.
- The works require a Part 4 DA - Contact Environmental Services.
- The works are Exempt - No assessment is required.
- The works require a Part 5 assessment under the EP&A Act - Complete the SER.
- The works are likely to have a significant affect on the environment - EIS and Minister approval is required
In addition to approval processes above, the works may also require:
- Commonwealth approvals. - works affecting matters of National Environmental Significance.
- External approvals/licences. - works involving dredging a waterway, disturbing Aboriginal relics, working in critical habitat, etc.
- Notifications - to local council, other authorities or occupiers of adjoining land.
The Environmental Planning Calculator will help you determine:
- whether a SER applies,
- additional planning approval requirements,
- external approvals/licenses requirements,
- notification requirements.
You may need to refer back to the information you collected in Step 2: Collect Information to complete the Environmental Planning Calculator.